Title: Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1)
Author: Kendare Blake
Publisher: HarperTeen (HarperCollins)
Release Date: September 20, 2016
Acquired Via: Around the World ARC Tours
Fans of acclaimed author Kendare Blake’s Anna Dressed in Blood will devour her latest novel, a dark and inventive fantasy about three sisters who must fight to the death to become queen.
In every generation on the island of Fennbirn, a set of triplets is born: three queens, all equal heirs to the crown and each possessor of a coveted magic. Mirabella is a fierce elemental, able to spark hungry flames or vicious storms at the snap of her fingers. Katharine is a poisoner, one who can ingest the deadliest poisons without so much as a stomachache. Arsinoe, a naturalist, is said to have the ability to bloom the reddest rose and control the fiercest of lions.
But becoming the Queen Crowned isn’t solely a matter of royal birth. Each sister has to fight for it. And it’s not just a game of win or lose...it’s life or death. The night the sisters turn sixteen, the battle begins.
The last queen standing gets the crown.
My Review
I'm at a bit of a loss about Three Dark Crowns. I love Kendare Blake, and her writing is good enough that this book did not *feel* like Anna Dressed in Blood or the Greek gods series. (The name escapes me, sorry.) That's a pretty major accomplishment. Here's my issue: Three Dark Crowns had me at the edge of my seat from the time I started reading it, but the ending was a little disappointing.
Let me explain.
I started reading Three Dark Crowns thinking that it was a standalone novel. Stupid me. Do they even publish standalone fantasies any more? The climax was underwhelming (I guessed it already), and then there was no more book! Gah!
Anywho, the rest of the book was great. The three queens are: Arsinoe, who is being raised by the naturalists; Katharine, who is being raised by the poisoners, who also happen to have been in power for the last century; and Mirabella, who is an elemental who is being raised by characters so dull that I've forgotten them for the most part. Oops. Katharine was my favorite in the beginning, but I really came to love Arsinoe and her best friend Jules. I would be perfectly fine to see the next book told only by her point of view.
Well, I take that back. One of those girls has VENGEANCE on her mind, and honestly, it's well-fucking-deserved. I want to read it, and I want her to do All The Killing.
That's a bit dark. I should rein that in a little.
The world-building of Three Dark Crowns was pretty freakin cool. The three girls are stuck on a magical island that they're unable to leave until they - she rather, because there can only be one - kills her sisters, has a set of triplets, and then hauls ass.
Now that I think about it, the whole thing reminds me of Highlander a little.
There can only be one.
There is also kissing and boys, but honestly, who gives a crap about that. I just want more because I need to know what happens next! Kendare, can we be best friends, and you tell me the rest of the story over SnapChat?!
Pre-Order Links
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Fishpond
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To satisfy FTC guidelines, I am disclosing that I received an advance copy of the book briefly for reviewing purposes through Around the World ARC Tours in exchange for an honest review. The book was likely provided to the tour by the publisher or author, which has in no way affected the outcome. All opinions expressed are rambling, honest, and completely my own.
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