Saturday, June 30, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness - June Wrap-Up

Book Soulmates
RAK is a monthly meme hosted by Book Soulmates. You can find out more and join in on the fun HERE.

My June RAK - Sent


My May RAK - Received

Thank you to the lovely Abbey @ Abbey Ann's Bookland!

I didn't get to send out very much because I'm on a buying freeze and I don't have much at the house to pass along. Anywho, we shall see what next month holds!

Now that we have that settled, can I see your RAK? *wags eyebrows*

June at Bibliophilia, Please

I'm going to try to keep this post super short because I said almost everything in my Thankful Thursday post two days ago. I only posted two reviews this month. No, I'm not horribly lazy - okay, yes I am. I do have quite a few written out, but I need to get around to typing them up. Do any of you hand-write your business first? Anywho - the reviews:

(Click on the picture to read the review.)

I also have a few winners to announce for the various giveaways that ended in the month of June.

#YACrushTourney - I'm An Advocate!

1 comment:

Be still my heart! In case you guys did not hear the squeeing a few nights ago coming from my direction, I just wanted to let you know that I am the advocate for Percy Jackson from Rick Riordan's two series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus, in the YA Sisterhood's YA Crush Tourney. This is so exciting for me because I actually have a creepy older lady crush on Percy! (We won't say how much older - that's no one's business. Hmph.) Bookboy is also wayyyy on board for this one! *dances* We both really love the books. I'm sure Will does, too! (If he ever wants out of that cage.) Anyways...

Percy Jackson!!!!!

I'm going to need help getting him through the tourney. Luckily, Ashley @ Wholly Books has already joined #TeamPercy. *quivers excitedly* He goes up for his first match in July, but I'll definitely be reminding you about it well before then. I am going to try to get in touch with Mr. Riordan (yeah right), the publisher (ha!), and put together a giveaway to BRIBE you guys (definitely!) into getting our main man through to the end. So dust off your Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, grab the YA Sisterhood's Crush Tourney button or icon or whatever from their blog, and be sure to post the one below EVERYWHERE!

You can also tweet your support with the #TeamPercy hashtag, and don't forget to use the #YACrushTourney one, too!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Library Loot (3)

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As promised, here is a look at the wonderful goodies at Mayberry Public Library. (No, that is not the real name. You've figured this out.) Here are our new releases for this week:

Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown (My Review)
Ordinary Magic by Caitlen Rubino-Bradway
The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate (I forgot to take it's picture with the camera before I put it up.)

Character Building Before Page One

As many of you, I’ve grown used to main characters in books to go through a growing period from beginning to end in a book or series. But recently I grew tired of it. I’m tired of the evil, all powerful arch nemesis being defeated, again (!!), by an underdeveloped hero – a hero just growing into his powers, finding his destiny, and stumbling unwillingly into the path of his fate. Meh.

I grew tired of the stupid choices characters made in these types of books. Oh, you have an awesome power? How about taking the time to master it BEFORE the shit hits the fan? No? But why? It makes SO much sense! Oh, I get it. Teenage angst. Oh for all the gods, I’m getting annoyed just thinking about it.

Whatever happened to prepared people?! Whatever happened to some properly grown up man who, when Armageddon came a knocking, puts on his double shoulder holster and starts kicking ass, and to hell with taking names. Taking names is for people with paper pads and proper handwriting. After all that world saving, those notes can be hard to read, what with all the blood.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful Thursday (2)


Thankful Thursday is a feature on the last Thursday of every month here at Bibliophilia, Please. It allows me to share not only the books that I receive, but also the bloggers, authors, lolcats, aliens, and other entities on the interwebz that made my month amazing.


Library Loot (2)

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I know I promised you guys Mayberry loot, but I did not have a camera handy on Tuesday. Fear not! It is now charged and awaiting my photography excellence. (Ha.) To tide you over, have another round of new goods in Bucketpunch.

Alice on Board by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Past Perfect by Leila Sales
All These Lives by Sarah Wylie
Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne

Not too shabby, huh?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Library Loot (1)

Since this is a book blog and all (didn't you know?!), I figured that it would be fun to share with you guys what you can find on the shelves at my library branches. We'll call the first one "Bucketpunch", which is where I am the manager, and Bookboy is my assistant. I am the assistant at the library branch in "Mayberry", which will also be featured. I'm only going to highlight the middle grade and young adult books, being as they are the main ones I personally select. Anyway, I'll try this out for about a month.

Today, I'm going to introduce you to the New Book Area in Bucketpunch, which has the books we've received for our branch in the past six months (unless we run out of room, then it's 3-5). Here are our newest arrivals:

Friday, June 22, 2012

Author Interview: Stephen Paul Register (MEANTIME: The Aesthetics of Soldiering)

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STEPHEN PAUL REGISTER moved around often as a child in the American South. He settled in Nashville before joining the Tennessee National Guard. He was deployed to to Baghdad, Iraq and Kuwait for over 16 months from 2003 to 2004. He served in Hurricane Katrina relief efforts and also had the duty of supporting Border Patrol in Yuma, Arizona. Stephen attended Belmont University in Nashville from 2005 to 2008 where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and the Arts. He then went on to Yale University to earn his Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School, where he graduated in 2011. He now lives with his wife Anna in Nashville.

Stephen, thank you so much for stopping by the blog to answer questions about your book. Would you please tell us a little bit about MEANTIME: The Aesthetics of Soldiering in your own words?

This book is about what it means to be a soldier. If you really want to know what it means “to soldier” in the modern era, then MEANTIME is the book for you. The book is about me being deployed in three different capacities: as a warfighter in Iraq in the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom; as a sentry in support of U.S. Border Partol where we patrolled for illegal immigrants on the Arizona/Mexico border; and as a disaster relief aid worker in Gulfport, MS, where my unit was deployed just four days after hurricane Katrina devastated that place.

What inspired you to write MEANTIME?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Books That Changed Me


Sometimes I look back at my teenage self, and it makes me want to slap the back of my younger self’s head. I’m sure you get that feeling too, 'cause if you don't then I’m a weirdo. Not that I’m not weird in other aspects... but I digress.

The reason for this is that I used to hate reading. Oh, I can hear gasps! Yeah. Basically, I sucked. My most disliked subjects in school were – first up – Math, because math is evil *whisperandIgotreallybadgradeswhisper*. Evil! They should make you do fractions and calculus and all that crap instead of waterboarding and pliers and probes... but I digress. Another one was Spanish (Spanish is my native language, olé!) because it meant reading books. I used to not even try to read them and got constant Fs and Ds on book tests. Not only did I suck because I didn't like to read, but I also was kinda stupid. All that changed one time when I was walking down the street, and I saw The Fellowship of the Ring for 4 bucks. For some reason, I had to have it. My family wasn't in the best of economic conditions, and 4 bucks meant something even if now it doesn't, but I had to get it. So I did. And it changed my life. I read it in one day, and when I finished, I read it again. I was hooked.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (21)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Author: Kassy Tayler
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Release Date: November 13, 2012

Wren MacAvoy works as a coal miner for a domed city that was constructed in the mid-nineteenth century to protect the royal blood line of England when astronomers spotted a comet on a collision course with Earth. Humanity would be saved by the most groundbreaking technology of the time. But after nearly 200 years of life beneath the dome, society has become complacent and the coal is running out. Plus there are those who wonder, is there life outside the dome or is the world still consumed by fire? When one of Wren's friends escapes the confines of the dome, he is burned alive and put on display as a warning to those seeking to disrupt the dome’s way of life. But Alex’s final words are haunting. “The sky is blue.”

What happens next is a whirlwind of adventure, romance, conspiracy and the struggle to stay alive in a world where nothing is as it seems. Wren unwittingly becomes a catalyst for a revolution that destroys the dome and the only way to survive might be to embrace what the entire society has feared their entire existence.

Available for Pre-Order: Amazon | Book Depository | Fishpond
Be sure to add it to your TBR on Goodreads!

Oh yeah, I really want this book. I pre-ordered it months ago. What are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Giveaway Disappointment

Almost everyone connected to the blogosphere use giveaways at some time or another for their readers as a marketing tool. Nearly all readers enter our giveaways. Everyone knows that fantastic rush when s/he opens up that email that reads, "Congratulations, you won ______!" There is just something about winning that triggers the happy juices in our brains. (Some more than others, but still.) That's why there are lotteries, casinos, bingo, anything. So - yes! A winner!

Skip forward a few weeks - there are nose prints on the front window, from a  melancholy face pressed expectantly against it. However, there is still no goodie.

Cover Reveal: All the Broken Pieces by Cindi Madsen

1 comment:
I would like for you guys to meet someone very special today: Cindi Madsen.

Cindi Madsen sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a new pretty pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music, dancing, and wishes summer lasted all year long. She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children.

I became acquainted with Cindi last year in our Goodreads book club, YA Today Book Club (which you should join because it's awesome!). She is such a sweet, funny lady, and I cannot put into words how excited I am to be participating in the cover reveal for her DEBUT NOVEL, which will be published December 20, 2012 by Entangled Teen.

All The Broken Pieces

And now for the reveal:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What's New at Bibliophilia, Please

I'm sure you may have noticed that I have been a little quieter than usual over on the blog this week. (I'm sure you're thanking the stars that I've FINALLY given you a break from the daily posts.) I really haven't had much extra time to put together any posts. I can usually juggle the blog along with my three jobs (yes, I have taken on another), but when you throw in Bug (my daughter) and I BOTH being sick... Maybe a ball gets dropped here and there. No matter! I have some surprises in store for you. (No, it's not more giveaways, though I do have quite a few for you HERE.)

I'm sure that you have noticed that things are looking a little bit different around here. One of my very favorite people that I was lucky enough to meet on Twitter agreed to help give Bibliophilia, Please a makeover. Personally, I think he did a fantastic job, and I am beyond grateful that he did this for me. I suck when it comes to this sort of thing, and I thought I was going to be stuck with the travelish template fooor-eeehhh-vverrrr. What do you guys think of this new one?

Speaking of that awesomely fantastic person - he's agreed to start contributing to the blog! I would like everyone to meet –

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June New Release Giveaway Hop


Welcome to my stop on the June New Release Giveaway Hop! It is being hosted by the magnificent Book Twirps and the glorious Refracted Light Reviews - which is very awesome of them. On my stop, you can enter to win a book that was released in June. It can be a picture book, middle-grade, young adult, literary, erotica - just try to keep it under $14US. (I'm trying to put aside some money for Authors After Dark in New Orleans. *squee*)

Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop


Welcome to Bibliophilia, Please! I am taking part in yet another giveaway hop for your contest satisfaction. I don't know how she does it, but Kathy @ I Am A Reader, Not A Writer is still hosting some wonderful hops for all of us in the blogosphere (readers, bloggers, and authors). She's been having a rough go of things, but she's still doing so much for all of us. However, I know you're here for the goodies, so I'll get back to Kathy in a moment.

What You Can Win

I have a rather embarrassing assortment of stuff at my house that I really need to get rid of so my family doesn't stage an intervention. Also, I need room for more books. *grins* I'm going to fill a box with ten books (or ARCs, depending on what I find) in a genre of the winner's choosing. Did you hear that? A box of SURPRISES in your favorite genre! Just try not to pick alien space noir because I don't want to let go of my Heinlein, and I doubt I have anything else along those lines. For my INTERNATIONAL buddies, you can can enter the giveaway that will be going up in a few hours or one of my OTHER GIVEAWAYS because I hate to leave you guys out. *hugs*

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Review: Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown


Title: Lies Beneath
Author: Anne Greenwood Brown
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Release Date:
June 12, 2012

Lies Beneath is the debut novel of Anne Greenwood Brown. It is a young adult novel that is told from the viewpoint of a male mermaid and is set in and around Lake Superior.

When some people think about mermaids, Disney's The Little Mermaid comes to mind. However, the only similarity you will find between Calder White and Ariel are the fins.You see, he is a cold-blooded killer who hunts humans for sustenance and survival. Where reptiles need heat to moderate their body temperature, mermaids need positive emotions to maintain their mental stability. One of Calder's favorite places to hunt humans is in the Caribbean, where the story opens. Despite his urgent, ever-present need to feed, Calder is experimenting on how long he can keep that driving force at bay. Unfortunately, his sisters call him home before he can refuel his emotions. An even stronger force than hunger or family beckons him back to Lake Superior - revenge.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Indie Author Giveaway Hop (TEN WINNERS!)


Hi guys! Welcome to my stop on the Indie Author Giveaway Hop hosted by the fantastic Kathy @ I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and my mentor (and hero), Tami @ Krazy Book Lady! I have a very smart and sweet author who is offering up a very nice giveaway to you guys here today. I would like everyone to meet Kersten, who I was lucky enough to interview back in April!

Kersten L. Kelly is a self-published author of narrative non-fiction and semi-fiction books. She grew up in Munster, Indiana, and currently works in a sales role based out of Chicago, Illinois. She started writing at an early age and graduated from Indiana University with a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Communication & Culture. She then went on to earn a Master’s in Business Administration from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. She has a passion for learning, teaching, and writing as well as international travel in her spare time. ec·o·nom·ics is her first piece of published work.

The Giveaway

Kersten is kind enough to be giving away TEN ecopies of her book to you lucky, lovely blog hoppers. Yes, you read that right - there is going to be TEN winners! Can you receive an ebook? Then you can win! Do you want to know a little about the book?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog Tour (Guest Post): Turquoise: A Love Story by Ayshe Talay-Ongan


Ayshe Talay-Ongan Ph.D. is a psychologist and has enjoyed a long and rich academic, research and clinical career. She still loves teaching and rarely turns down an event that she's been asked to contribute to. She's lived in Istanbul, New York City, San Francisco, Paris and Florence, but Sydney is where she's made her home with her husband and daughters, and cat Simba. She is the author of three textbooks in developmental psychology. Turquoise: A Love Story is her first lovel, but she says, not her last.

How Do Real-Life Experiences Shape Writing of Fiction?
TURQUOISE –A Love Story is a Case in Point
by Ayshe Talay-Ongan

It seems to me that most authors of fiction begin inventing a good story for their novel by drawing from something that is familiar to them, something they can relate to. Tall stories we’ve heard from parents or elders that form the core of our family lore perhaps, or experiences we have lived though, are familiar with, or have dreamed about often. These, like magical balls of unending yarn, take us on the journey of writing a work of fiction, allowing us to embellish and improvise along the way. This is how my writing journey began, anyway. But wait, you say. What about works of fantasy, horror, science fiction? My answer is that while I admire these authors for having such a vivid imagination and endless creativity, unfortunately I am not one of them.

My bag of goodies is my life experiences.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Rating System

As some of you may have noticed, I haven't been using a rating system on books over here on my blog. My informal "Librarian Code" demands that I try not to turn a person away from a book s/he may like to read. I'm sure there are people out there who think I am not giving fair or honest reviews because I will not come right out and say "________ is a terrible book!" or "I did not care for _________." However, it would be unfair if I used my personal opinion as a basis for rating a book.

  1. I am inconsistent.   Never give me any kind of power. I would be that pompous, spoiled brat-queen who would behead her best friend from the day before. Okay, maybe it's not that drastic, but my tastes are erratic and unpredictable. I have no set genre/style that I will enjoy. One of my friends who has the most similar book taste as me offered me this great vampire novel that she knew I would love. I didn't, and she lost her referral card. I lied - she threw it at me. I'm terrible, but I am trying to be better.
  2. If I do not like a book, I do NOT like a book. If I started writing what I really thought, you would be afraid to touch the book. If you read and enjoyed the book, you would want to come beat me up.
  3. I do not always like books on a reread. You know that book that I was gushing about last week about being the "Best. Thing. EVAH!"? Well, I may read it again in two months and hate it with every grain of my existence. How can you rely on me as a reviewer if I'm as fickle as Henry VIII?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Author Interview: Raven Bower

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Today, we have the lady half of the writing duo behind the Vengeance urban fantasy series - Raven Bower! She came to talk to us about werewolves, writing with another author, and more! We're all in for a treat.

Raven and Lain Bower are a wife and husband team. They live in North West Michigan with their four kids, two Hell Hounds and alien doom cat. When not occupied with the aforementioned minions or writing, they enjoy creating worlds, gaming, reading, target shooting and gardening.

Raven is the author of the Bailey Khane supernatural suspense series - Apparitions, Wendigo and Rags Beneath (spring 2012). Apparitions, is currently under production as a feature film.

They're the authors of the Vengeance urban fantasy series - Primal, Smoke (2013) and Dead Moon (2013/14).

The first novel in their Weeping Dark fantasy series, Bleeding Edge, is set for release in late 2012, early 2013.

And the romantic adventure fantasy, Nymph's Lair, out this summer/fall!

Raven, thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions for us at Bibliophilia, Please. Your new book Primal released last month – can you tell us a little bit about it in your own words?

Primal is a saucy, gritty urban fantasy with a strong romance line between a brutal werewolf and a modern druid.

What do you think sets Primal about from other urban fantasy and werewolf novels?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Blog Tour (Guest Post): The Bridge of Deaths by M.C.V. Egan


On August 15th, 1939 an English passenger plane from British Airways Ltd. Crashed in Danish waters between the towns of Nykobing/Falster and Vordingborg. There were five casualties reported and one survivor. Just two weeks before Hitler invaded Poland with the world at the brink of war the manner in which this incident was investigated left much open to doubt. The jurisdiction battle between the two towns and the newly formed Danish secret police, created an atmosphere of intrigue and distrust.

In the winter of 2009-2010 a young executive, Bill is promoted and transferred to London for a major International firm. He has struggled for the better part of his life with nightmares and phobias, which only seem to worsen in London. As he seeks the help of a therapist he accepts that his issues may well be related to a 'past-life trauma'.

Through love, curiosity, archives and the information superhighway of the 21st century Bill travels through knowledge and time to uncover the story of the 1939 plane crash.

Where Does Nostalgia End & Being Stuck in The Past Begin?
By M. C. V. Egan

This very thought has been dancing through my mind in the last few weeks. At what point does Nostalgia become so much that we get too stuck in the past and forget to live for today and create a great tomorrow?

It all began with two movies and one death. The movies are Dark Shadows which to me so vividly portrayed 1972, and MIB3, which transported me to 1969. Especially the latter as it transported me back to such a specific date that I could remember very clearly.

The death was that of Donna Summer and her music; songs to which I enjoyed dancing, drinking, laughing. This created a great momentum where friends shared photographs and stories, the whole where were you when moments.

Armchair BEA Day 5 - The Future of Book Blogging

Design Credit: Nina @ Nina Reads

Today is supposed to be an "Ask The Expert" post when it comes to book blogging, but I'm not an expert. I've only been doing this for around five months, so what you'd get is "Ask the Amateur". That's to say that I haven't learned a few things along the way, but there is still so much that I don't know. If you're interested in my lowly advice, it's free to anyone who wants to read it. It sure has helped me.

  1. NetGalley/Edelweiss are your friends when used responsibly. Unless you have absolutely nothing to do in your spare time, be conservative in your requests. Once upon a time, someone told me that publishers were very unlikely to allow their galleys to go to new bloggers. I have found that publishers are nothing but wonderful, understanding individuals that are very kind and accommodating when it comes to bloggers - and librarians. I did learn this lesson the hard way, but I'm too embarrassed to go into details. Let's just say it's a mess that I'm still trying to clean up. *blushes*

  2. Always be professional - always. The book industry is a business. We may not always be paid for what we do (I'm not), but we should conduct ourselves as professionals. Yes, this is a hobby, and it is a lot of fun. However, people's livelihoods are tied up in our reviews, promotions, and features. The least we can do is behave in a dignified manner and respect our commitments. I'm not saying that no one should crack jokes or have DNFs, but it is important to remember that at the end of the day, we're providing a service. Even if you don't work directly with publishers or authors, people will read your blog. Be a trusted, respectable, and reliable information source.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blog Tour (Guest Post & Giveaway): Salt City by Robert Fleet


Syracuse, upstate New York. The “Salt City.” An apartment building on the edge of The Projects – and Anne Malloy dies, thrown out of a sixth floor window, an apparent suicide, while Mark Cornell watches. Mark was there for a purpose, his part‐time gig being to snap incriminating photos for a divorce lawyer who happily takes cases over the phone. Watching the apartment was Mark’s assignment.

But this assignment has a problem: Mark learns that “Anne Malloy” had died months before, leaving behind a grieving husband. So who is this woman?

It’s 1976, before cellphones, internet, and all the easy ways of satisfying curiosities, so Mark Cornell’s search for a name to give the victim makes him a foot soldier slogging personally through the facts. And, as those facts pile up, Mark discovers that he really shouldn’t be playing detective, stumbling across the thin line between commerce and crime.

How to Commit a (Literary) Murder
by Robert C. Fleet

I was working on a screenplay, trying to work out how one man could kill three others guys when they all had guns, when the doorbell rang. Two nicely dressed folk from the local church, making their routine “Do you believe in God” speech. They come to my house regularly because (a) I talk to everyone, and (b) I gave them cold water one hot day.

But this time I was working out a triple killing, and I quick-walked to the door holding two realistic-looking toy guns. “Sorry,” I said in a rush, “I don’t have time to talk now: I have to kill somebody.”

Armchair BEA Day 4 - Beyond the Blog

Design Credit: Nina @ Nina Reads

Today we're going beyond the blog to see a little bit more about me. Since I'm terrible about not scheduling posts ahead of time, I'm writing this at ten-thirty when I want it posted at midnight. I'm a terrible procrastinator, but it's mostly accidental. I am a life juggler, and I drop the ball quite often... *rambles off into the sunset* The point that I'm trying to make is - the post is going to be a bit haphazard. But isn't that what makes me fun?

Writing Outside the Blog

I have always wrote. I always write. I will always write. Notice all of the tenses there? I have to write. It's ingrained too deeply within my soul, and I have no idea how it happened. My family has saved stories that I wrote well before kindergarten. Were they good? Who knows? I don't think that's the point. The point is - I write.

I did poetry and creative writing competitions in elementary school, and I've had some of each published. I created an imaginary friend when I was eight just so I could write stories about him. Then I created his family. I can also tell you every single thing about the world he lives in, his personality, and his entire life history. We're currently spending time apart and seeing other people. No, I'm not crazy - he is very real to me.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Debut Author Giveaway Hop (US/CAN)


Welcome to my stop on the Debut Author Giveaway Hop hosted by the fantastic Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Benji at The Non Reluctant Reader. Today, I'm going to be giving away my (unread) copy of Cinder by Marissa Meyer. It is one of my favorite books yet this year.

I know a lot of you already have a copy of this book, and for this I apologize. But that means a better chance for the rest of you, no?  Also, I am very, very sorry, but this giveaway needs to be US/CAN only because I am going to ship you my copy of the book. (I read the galley and bought a copy for my shelf, so it's never been read.) However, if you would like to pay for the shipping, I'll be more than happy to send it to Timbuktu (or wherever you are).

International people, you are more than welcome to enter one of my other giveaways since you were kind enough to stop by. Americans and Canadians should enter them, too.

Giveaway Requirements:
  • Be thirteen (13) years old, have parental consent, or lie about it. (Please don't do that.) 
  • Live in the US or Canada.
  • Be Awesome (and fill out the Rafflecopter after the page break). 
  • Following is NOT required, but it is always appreciated. Your options are on my sidebar, but I will tell you that I am yet to figure out Linky. 
  • You can help me spread the word, but it isn't required either.

Armchair BEA Day 3 - Networking...In Real Life?!

Design Credit: Nina @ Nina Reads

This is an easy one for me to talk about today - I deal with books as my livelihood. I'm a librarian, so my professional life revolves around books and putting them in the hands of my patrons. (I was also a bookseller for a few years before becoming a librarian.) This is the most fulfilling job that I have ever had in my entire life. There is nothing better than assessing the needs of my community and filling them with books that I find.

Social networking? What does that have to do with a librarian? Aren't we talking about book blogging? (Stay with me.) As I've said before, I live in a teeny-tiny reading box, so I've been able to learn about books I'd have never looked twice at myself by reading book blogs and doing the social networking thing as a blogger myself. Let me use this opportunity to say this very quickly while I have your attention:

Thank you, book bloggers. Your reviews are more beneficial to communities around the world than you would ever know. Despite any negative thing you may have ever been told, what you do is a wonderful, beautiful thing. You have not only my gratitude, but that of my patrons. You are such an important piece of the puzzle.

What can I possibly say after that? Hmm... Want to enter one of my GIVEAWAYS? I love giving away prizes. :-)

Have a great week!

Waiting on Wednesday (20)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: Ironskin
Author: Tina Connolly
Tor Books
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Jane Eliot wears an iron mask.

It’s the only way to contain the fey curse that scars her cheek. The Great War is five years gone, but its scattered victims remain—the ironskin.

When a carefully worded listing appears for a governess to assist with a "delicate situation"—a child born during the Great War—Jane is certain the child is fey-cursed, and that she can help.

Teaching the unruly Dorie to suppress her curse is hard enough; she certainly didn’t expect to fall for the girl’s father, the enigmatic artist Edward Rochart. But her blossoming crush is stifled by her own scars, and by his parade of women. Ugly women, who enter his closed studio...and come out as beautiful as the fey.

Jane knows Rochart cannot love her, just as she knows that she must wear iron for the rest of her life. But what if neither of these things is true? Step by step Jane unlocks the secrets of her new life—and discover just how far she will go to become whole again.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Book Blast ($50 Giveaway): Reunited by Hilary Weisman Graham

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Title: Reunited
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Release Date: June 12, 2012

1 Concert. 2,000 Miles. 3 Ex-Best Friends.

Alice, Summer, and Tiernan are ex-best friends. Back in middle school, the three girls were inseparable. They were also the number one fans of the rock band Level3. But when the band broke up, so did their friendship. Summer ran with the popular crowd, Tiernan was a rebellious wild-child, and Alice spent high school with her nose buried in books. Now, just as the girls are about to graduate, Level3 announces a one-time-only reunion show. Even though the concert’s 2000 miles away, Alice buys three tickets on impulse. And as it turns out, Summer and Tiernan have their own reasons for wanting to get out of town. But on the long drive cross-country, the girls hit more than a few bumps in the road. Will their friendship get an encore or is the show really over?

You can order REUNITED here: Barnes & Noble | Amazon | IndieBound

Armchair BEA Day 2 - Giveaways!

Design credit to Nina @ Nina Reads

I wasn't going to host a giveaway specific to Armchair BEA, but what the heck? I'm going to show some love to one of my favorite authors since she has had two books release this year. I haven't read the last one, but the one that released in January is my favorite in the series.

Oh? Would you like to know what I'm talking about? *bats eyelashes* Okay, I'm not going to be cruel and give you an lolcat to build suspense.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA Day 1 - Introductions!


Hi kids! It's Armchair BEA time - and I promise that I'm not naked today! (No promises for the rest of the week.) Hey, I'm at home, and I do what I want. Okay, down to business. If you're not clicking as hard as you can to get away from here, I'm betting you want to know a little bit about me. So have yourself a seat in that wee little chair up there and learn a thing or two about Kayla.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

My name is Kayla, and I am a bibliophile. I have an excessive collection of books, but I'm trying to rein in a little. I often tell people that I'm only one book binge away from Hoarders, but it hit me that it was pretty true. Embarrassingly true. I'm cleaning out my bookshelves of books that aren't really for me and/or are in bad condition. Sorry, John Grisham, all but The Broker is going to find new homes.

I got into book blogging because I was already talking so much about books in my library, Goodreads, and Twitter. I have a humor blog, so I thought I would give book blogging a spin. I've loved every minute of it, and my humor blog is very jealous and neglected.

What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Review: Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres


Title: Burn Bright
Publisher: Random House Australia
Release Date: March 1, 2011

Burn Bright is a young adult novel by Marianne de Pierres. The story centers on a young girl named Retra who runs away from home to find her brother on the mysterious island of endless pleasures and endless night, Ixion. The book is a mixture of the paranormal and science fiction.

Retra always led a very sheltered life in a place called Grave. It is an island that frowns upon touching, expressing emotion, and any sort of pleasure. Retra is a Seal, which is one of the most extremely limited members of that society and focuses meditation, solitude, and isolation. After her brother Joel ran away the previous year, her family lost all privacy in their home. Additionally, Retra had an obedience strip implanted into her upper thigh that caused intense pain if she strayed too far from her set limits within the Seal compound to deter her from ever attempting the same. She worked against the pain and the knowledge of what her actions will do to her parents, sneaking aboard a mysterious ship that comes to Grave to pick up unsatisfied teenagers once a year. The journey alone is fraught with peril, but nothing compared to the danger she will face on Ixion if she cannot let go of her modesty and "burn bright".

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Armchair BEA


I have seen a lot of people posting about Armchair BEA around the blogosphere, but I did not really know what it was. I mean, of course I have heard of BEA (Book Expo America) and chewed the bitter seeds of jealousy since I don't get to go. I checked out the Armchair BEA site, and it's a way for me to participate - even though I'm unable to attend BEA! Huzzah!

If you're also one of those unlucky souls that doesn't get to be a part of the jet-set crowd that is flying to NYC next week, you too can play along with the other children in your jammies (or even naked!) at home! There's going to be giveaways and networking and awesome and more stuff that I don't have a clue because this is my first year. I just know it's going to be fun and you should register to - RIGHT HERE.

Author Interview: Desiree Finkbeiner (Ethos: Morning Star)

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There was once a girl who used to be in a band. She wrote a lot of music. Then she switched things up and wrote a book. She is also an artist. Let's learn more about Desiree and her work.

When a mysterious stranger interrupts Brianna's mundane routine, her eyes are opened to the dark underbelly of reality... immortal rogues, ancient conspiracies, prophetic revelations, savage tribes, mammoth dragonflies... 

She's thrust into a race for her life when Kalen, a warrior from Ethos, discovers that she is harboring a secret... a secret that he'd give his life to protect.

There's just one little problem... they are tempted by a forbidden romance, which threatens to compromise a divinely appointed mission. They are faced with a choice... love eternal, or the end of the world...

Desiree, thank you so much for answering some questions for us here at Bibliophilia, Please. Would you tell us a little about your book, Ethos: Morning Star in your own words?

Ethos is the series I am focusing on most right now. Morning Star, book #1, was released March 28 2012. It’s an urban fantasy/paranormal romance/adventure story that crosses over adult to YA markets. I try to keep my writing clean enough for adults and teens to enjoy without being easily offended.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness - June

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Book Soulmates
RAK is a monthly meme hosted by Book Soulmates. You can join in on the fun HERE.

For those of you who don't know, a RAK is a Random Act of Kindness. People sign up with their wishlist and then can look at other people's wishlists and send them a Random Act of Kindness. It is really simple, but here are the rules:

  • Please read carefully & follow all rules! Thank you!
  • Please sign-up each month that you can participate (and by participate, we mean give as well as receive).
  • Show off your participation by grabbing our RAK button (code is in the right sidebar of the Book Soulmates page).
  • Create a wish list (on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog, etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
  • If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wish list and contact that blogger directly for their information.
  • Once you receive a RAK, send us an our new email to [rakbybooksoulmates @ gmail . com] so that we can update the Google Doc. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEND EMAILS TO THIS ADDRESS!
  • E-book participation is limited to files being gifted directly to a person from the e-book store. Amazon's Kindle Store is set up to allow this, as well as the Kobo store and we believe Barnes & Noble with Nook as well.
  • At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K by making a "RAK Wrap-Up" post. This post should include who you SENT gifts to as well who you RECEIVED gifts from.
OPEN TO EVERYONE including all our International brethren!
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!

If you're feeling the urge to splurge on me this month, here is my WISHLIST! If you just want highlights, here are the top 5 that I really want (with the first three especially for AADNOLA!):
  1. A Beautiful Evil by Kelly Keaton
  2. Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
  3. Flesh and Blood by Kristen Painter 
  4. Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
  5. Divergent by Veronica Roth
I can't wait to start sending things out to you guys!