Title: The Time Weaver
Author: Thomas A. Knight
Publisher: DragonWing Publishing
Release Date: January 31, 2012
Acquired Via: Author
The Time Weaver starts with a small jump back to the main character’s childhood, where his father, ominously and mysteriously, has to leave the family as “he” has found them. Then we jump to the main story. Seth is a software designer (Funny thing is, the author is also a software designer. If I were to write a book, I’d definitely make my main character a translator. Sorry, The Translator. Handsome, charismatic, charming and swashbucklingly awesome. It would also be in the genre of fantasy... Ok, moving on. *grin*)
After a bit of back-story and setting things up, it gets interesting. There’s a car crash. Time stops. A huge ass werewolf thing rends space and time and claws its way to Seth, our main character. Who promptly proceeds to metaphorically shit his pants and run like hell. I would too, mind you. I may be swashbuckingly awesome, but mama didn’t raise no dum-dum. Big ass werewolf thing = run. If you leave this blog learning nothing but one thing, let this be that one thing. Run away from big ass hairy things. Unless you’re into that sort of thing. In which case, have fun! *wink*