RAK is a monthly meme hosted by Book Soulmates. You can find out more and join in on the fun HERE.
I participated in Book Soulmates' Random Acts of Kindness (one of my favorite blog memes or whatever you call this one) again last month, as I do most months. If you've never participated, I highly recommend it. The sign-up for the new month is posted around the first of the month.
My February RAK - Sent
I did a bit of Eleventh Hour gifting this month. I have sent out quite a bit of stuff this month, so it wasn't until today that I realized that I hadn't sent any formal RAKs! (I try to randomly gift books to folks throughout the month, and I seldom get around to posting that.) Anywho, this is what went out:
I sent Touched by Corrine Jackson to Memrie at Dark Angel Reader from her Amazon wishlist on the RAK form.
I sent Everneath by Brodi Ashton to Froggy at Froggarita's Bookcase from her Amazon wishlist on the RAK form.
My February RAK - Received
I didn't get any formal RAKs, but I did get two fairly random acts of kindness bestowed upon me. The very sweet Lisa sent me an Amazon gift card to buy books to review on the blog. I don't get a lot of support for the blog in my personal life, so this really made my month. I also received a visit from the Book Fairy, who sent me an anonymous Amazon gift card. I'm not quite sure what to think of it, so I'll just be incredibly grateful and leave it at that.
Did you participate in RAK this month? Yes? Well, link me up then!