Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Can't Believe I Have Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Books That I Can't Believe I Have Never Read

This week is a rewind where we pick from past topics. I'm choosing books I have never read because I thought it would be fun, and it might make me actually read then sooner rather than later.

1. 1984 by George Orwell

This book is one of the reasons that I started to read classics last year. I just have never gotten around to it. I'm kind of intimidated. I even own it on audiobook and physical copy. It is definitely on my to-do list this year. If I could just actually start to read it...

2. Little Women (Little Women #1)
by Louisa May Alcott
I have no excuses, but I do plan on reading it this year.

3. The Long Walk by Stephen King

I have never read anything by Stephen King (I know, I know). I asked one of my friends who loves Stephen King which one I should start with, and this was the recommendation. But maybe I should buy that hardcover edition of Carrie, Salem's Lot, and The Shining at Barnes and Noble to start with. :)

4. Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Apparently my high school didn't offer classes with dystopian modern classics. Maybe I'll be remedying that and reading this book this year.

5. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

I read Dracula last year during October. I might read this for Halloween this year, too, and make a new tradition of reading classic science fiction/ horror stories for Halloween.

6. Forever Amber by Kathleen Winsor

So, I was named after this book, yet I have never read it. This was one of the optional books that Kayla and I picked for the Back to the Classics Challenge. I already have it at my house, so if we don't quite get to it, I will definitely be reading it this year. I have to read the book that is often described as the beginning of historical romance.

7. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

I want to read this, if for other reason, because it is often described as controversial and disturbing. I always want to know why things are controversial and why people have such strong reactions (both positive and negative) to books. That's the whole reason that I read 50 Shades of Grey. Well, actually that didn't turn out well...

8. Catch-22 (Catch-22 #1) by Joseph Heller

I need to figure out where one of the most used phrases in American English comes from.

9. The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) by Patrick Ness

I have owned this book since last July and have yet to read it. I don’t know why. I guess I just always want to read something else more. Every time I go to pick it up, I just think that maybe I don’t want to read a dystopian novel at that time. One of my best friends keeps reminding me that I need to read it, so I really need to get on it already.

10. The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time #1) by Robert Jordan

This is one of THE fantasy series. Plus, Brandon Sanderson finished this series after Robert Jordan died, and I really like Sanderson's work. Because there are 14 novels, this one is intimidating. Plus, I don’t really have time to devote to 14 novels in a series. I already have so many series I already need to finish (like Sanderson's Mistborn series, but that's a whole other list for another day). Do I really need to add another series? Apparently, I do, because I really want to start this one.

What Books Have You Never Read?


  1. I've never read any fiction by Stephen King either (thought I was the only one!) although I did read his memoir "On Writing" and loved it. I've been told to start out with "Carrie"--maybe someday I'll find the time to fit some King into my reading schedule!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! And you just gave me another reason to buy that hardcover edition from Barnes & Noble. :) Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Ladies, ladies, ladies, you should start out with Duma Key! It is far and away one of my all-time favorite horror novels, and a less gory intro to the master. You'll thank me, I promise.

  2. Great pick. I haven't read most of these either!!! I feel a lot better knowing there are others who haven't though. I did read and love The Knife of Never Letting Go. Nice list :) My TTT.

    1. I've heard such great things about The Knife of Never Letting Go. There just always seems like I need to read something else... Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for stopping my by TTT - and sorry for the late reply!

    I've read a lot of these, but that's what comes with the territory of being an English major :) I really loved Little Women, it's such a great story about the relationship between these sisters and how different they all are. It's one of those books I've been meaning to read again but somehow never get around to doing so!


You are going to put words in my box?! *squeezes you* Now I shall stalk YOUR blog!