Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blog Tour (10 Random Things): Neverland by Shari Arnold #Giveaway @MyShelfAndI

Neverland Tour Schedule
Official Blog Tour
Hosted by MMSAI Tours
May 4th - 8th & May 11th - 15th

Title: Neverland
Shari Arnold
Publisher: Self
Blog Tour Organizer: MMSAI Tours
Release Date: April 28, 2015

It’s been four months since seventeen-year-old Livy Cloud lost her younger sister, but she isn’t quite ready to move on with her life — not even close. She’d rather spend her time at the Seattle Children’s hospital, reading to the patients and holding onto memories of the sister who was everything to her and more.

But when she meets the mysterious and illusive Meyer she is drawn into a world of adventure, a world where questions abound.

Is she ready to live life without her sister? Or more importantly, is she brave enough to love again?

In this modern reimagining of Peter Pan, will Livy lose herself to Neverland or will she find what she’s been searching for?

10 Random Things About Shari Arnold

1. I was born on Christmas Eve and came home from the hospital in a big red stocking.

2. I gave up red meat after eating a hamburger at the Hard Rock Café in London twenty years ago.

3. The best mother’s day present I ever received was my very own Razor scooter last year. (The wheels are red and it’s awesome!)

4. I am the youngest — and fairest — of four girls. =)

5. I met my husband while we were both attending photography school.

6. Out of all the places I would love to visit Scotland is number one.

7. I hated school when I was younger, but now I’m obsessed with learning.

8. I hate spiders. They haunt me. .

9. If we were playing a game of truth or dare (or pain and suffering) I would always pick truth.

10. I’m a milk and pizza kind of girl.

Buy Links
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Kobo | Kobo | Smashwords

About the Author

Shari Arnold grew up in California and Utah but now resides in Connecticut, with her husband and two kids, where she finds it difficult to trust a beach without waves. She writes Young Adult fiction because it's her favorite. And occasionally she takes photographs.

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Tour-Wide Giveaway

One lucky winner will each get a finished copy of Neverland by Shari Arnold & a $10 Amazon Gift Card!
US Addresses Only
Ends at 12:01am CST on May 23rd

a Rafflecopter giveaway
To satisfy FTC guidelines, I am disclosing that I received an advance digital copy of the novel from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are rambling, honest, and completely my own.


  1. I loved "Hook" with Robin Williams

  2. I enjoy reading the remakes of all of these fairy tales, but I really like the original version the best. Hook was a very interesting read!!

  3. the ORIGINAL. nothing is like the original one. of course MY kids don't like it, but I love it ! !

  4. The original is my favorite.


You are going to put words in my box?! *squeezes you* Now I shall stalk YOUR blog!