Saturday, June 2, 2012

Armchair BEA

I have seen a lot of people posting about Armchair BEA around the blogosphere, but I did not really know what it was. I mean, of course I have heard of BEA (Book Expo America) and chewed the bitter seeds of jealousy since I don't get to go. I checked out the Armchair BEA site, and it's a way for me to participate - even though I'm unable to attend BEA! Huzzah!

If you're also one of those unlucky souls that doesn't get to be a part of the jet-set crowd that is flying to NYC next week, you too can play along with the other children in your jammies (or even naked!) at home! There's going to be giveaways and networking and awesome and more stuff that I don't have a clue because this is my first year. I just know it's going to be fun and you should register to - RIGHT HERE.

Bibliophilia, Please Armchair BEA Agenda  
Click HERE for the Official Agenda

Monday, June 4th: Introductions
I'll answer five questions about myself so you guys can get to know me a little better.

Tuesday, June 5th: Giveaways
I don't think I'm going to offer anything specific for Armchair BEA, but I will have two blog hops daisy-chaining this week. There is also the Peter Giglio giveaway.

Wednesday, June 6th: Networking...In Real Life?!
I'm going to share my real life experience with books. Maybe I'll tell you a funny story, too. *winks*

Thursday, June 7th: Beyond the Blog
I'll talk about my writing outside of Bibliophilia, Please and maybe something else about me that's not blog or book related. Is there anything specific that you would like to know?

Friday, June 8th: The Future of Book Blogging
Hmm... I'm supposed to give tips on how to keep book-blogging exciting or ask questions. We shall see what comes about.

There are a lot of blogs participating in this, so you should check them out as well. Also, the Armchair BEA Twitter account is going to have things happening. So wander on over to the main site and get ready for some fun next week!


  1. I'm not a jet setter, but I do live within driving distance so I'm lucky enough to go. I hope you have a great time participating in Armchair BEA!

    1. And I hope you have a fantastic time at BEA - drive safely!

  2. Yeah! Glad to see you joining the pyjama party ;-)


You are going to put words in my box?! *squeezes you* Now I shall stalk YOUR blog!