Title: Hexed (The Witch Hunter #1)
Author: Michelle Krys
Publisher: Delacorte Press (Random House)
Acquired Via: NetGalley
Release Date: June 10, 2014
If high school is all about social status, Indigo Blackwood has it made. Sure, her quirky mom owns an occult shop, and a nerd just won’t stop trying to be her friend, but Indie is a popular cheerleader with a football-star boyfriend and a social circle powerful enough to ruin everyone at school. Who wouldn’t want to be her?
Then a guy dies right before her eyes. And the dusty old family Bible her mom is freakishly possessive of is stolen. But it’s when a frustratingly sexy stranger named Bishop enters Indie’s world that she learns her destiny involves a lot more than pom-poms and parties. If she doesn’t get the Bible back, every witch on the planet will die. And that’s seriously bad news for Indie, because according to Bishop, she’s a witch too.
Suddenly forced into a centuries-old war between witches and sorcerers, Indie’s about to uncover the many dark truths about her life—and a future unlike any she ever imagined on top of the cheer pyramid.
My Review
I decided to pick up Hexed because I had been reading some lengthy epic fantasies and urban fantasies and wanted a lighter young adult fantasy. And that is exactly what I got with Hexed. I had a lot of fun while reading Hexed and it was a very quick read. It wasn’t the most poignant, issue driven book in the world, but I enjoyed it.
I think that Krys completely nailed the setting and characters. Indigo’s life and reactions to her situations felt true and real. I was a little worried at first that Indigo would be portrayed as stereotypical dumb valley girl cheerleader. She was, at first, but she also grew up a little throughout the book. She was a little selfish and immature, but I appreciated her feisty, sarcastic attitude. Whoever compared this to Bring It On with witches was spot on.
I liked that Indigo grew from a mean girl to a real person throughout the book. Although the mean girl/jock popular kids stereotype is overused, it worked for this book. I do wish that we would have spent less time with Bianca and the homecoming king and more time with Paige. Paige was an interesting character, but also felt a bit stereotypical - dorky best friend next door that popular girl doesn’t want to hang out with until she loses her popular friends. But she was spunky and loyal and I liked her character a lot.
I also wish that there would have been more witchiness and less high school drama. I really liked the good versus evil set up, especially with the twist that the bad guys can’t kill the good guys without losing their evil powers. I also liked Indigo's training and finding her witchy powers. Hopefully the next book is more witchy and less drama.
I also couldn’t completely connect with the romance - there was a little bit of insta-love. Bishop and Indigo go from constantly sniping at each other to basically not being able to keep their hands off each other.
But the novel was so faced paced and full of action that the issues I had really didn’t bother me. I still finished the book in one day with only pesky work interrupting me. I needed a light, fluffy book and that is exactly what Hexed is. I’ll definitely be reading the next in the series because I enjoyed the humor in the book and it really was a quick and fun read.
Buy Links
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Fishpond

To satisfy FTC guidelines, I am disclosing that I received an advance copy of the book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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