Title: Silver-Tongued Devil (Sabina Kane #4)
Author: Jaye Wells
Publisher: Orbit
Release Date: January 1, 2012
This review contains spoilers if you have not read the previous books in the series.
I love this book. Instead of drolly wandering into Happily Ever After as the series progresses, the characters experience the consequences regarding the events and changes in their lives, be it positive or negative. One of the most interesting things to me is the complete 180 – and almost complete switch – of Sabina and Maisie’s personalities (that’s all I’ll say). No one catches a break, and everyone has to face their destinies. The book does not feel like a finale lead-up in the slightest, and is such an exciting read. There is a shocking twist at the end (okay, there are some in the middle, too), but it was completely necessary for the story line.
I am anxious for the release of Blue-Blooded Vamp in June to find out how everything turns out in the Sabina Kane universe.
To satisfy FTC guidelines, I am disclosing that I received the book for free through NetGalley from the publisher. It in no way affected the outcome of my review.
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