Sunday, March 25, 2012

In My Mailbox (3)

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It gives readers the chance to spotlight the books they received over the past week, whether they are for review, won, gifted, or borrowed.

I realized after I posted last week that I had left off a few ebooks that I had purchased. I always forget to check my Kindle (and I still haven't checked my Nook) for what I throw on, spur of the moment. I did get two physical books in the mail, which is VERY exciting! Since I'm not at home, I'm just posting cover pictures of what I received. Yes, I should have taken pictures this morning, but working on Saturdays still throws me off two years later. Anywho, here's what I have received this week:

For Review

Ebook Sent by Author

Have Book - Will Travel by Kfir & Yonatan Luzzatto



The Magic Warble by Victoria Simcox (Won at Minding Spot)

ARCs/Finished Copies

Dave Barry's Greatest Hits by Dave Barry (Won at The Book Garden)



Titan Magic by Jodi Lamm
Storm Born by Richelle Mead
Pyxis by K. C. Neal
The Delilah Complex by M. J. Rose
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
The Mers by Ami Blackwelder
The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch
Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt

Finished Copy

Croak by Gina Damico

So, what did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Awesome books love those covers. I went to my library book sale oh what great finds I had :)

    1. I try to avoid those because I have wayyyyy too many books already, and I haven't built the new bookshelves in my room yet. I usually go embarrassingly overboard. :-)

  2. I wanna read Croak so bad..uber jealous..lovely mailbox this week. Here is My IMM

  3. Great books - I picked up a copy of Prison Nation last night, it sounds intriguing! But it was too late to make this week's mailbox!

    Happy reading! My IMM @ The Aussie Zombie

    1. Thanks, Kat! I can't pass up free books, and I was already following the author's blog. That made it especially intriguing for me. :-)

  4. My eyes widened at Croak! Seems interesting. Will be waiting for your review on it!

    Happy reading!

    Here's my IMM

    1. I'll be playing catch-up in April, so hopefully it won't be too long before I get to it!

  5. I am dying to read Croak ..can't wait to hear your thoughts!!

  6. I totally do that - forget e-books!! What a great haul!! Enjoy your books!!! -Burgandy Ice


You are going to put words in my box?! *squeezes you* Now I shall stalk YOUR blog!